Products > Planetary Gear Motor > 42-45mm

P42Alternative to Faulharber Planetary Gearbox


长度Length (mm) 适配电机
Matched Motor
效率Efficiency (%) 重 量Weight (g)
1 42.4 DC motor Power<150W
Motor shaft diameter<Φ6
Motor shaft length<25mm
90 =
2 53.7 83 =
3 69.5 77 =
4 79.3 72 =

壳体材料 Housing material 碳钢 Carbon Steel
齿轮材料Gear train material   碳钢 Carbon steel
Output shaft material
不锈钢 stainless steel
output flange material
铝  Aluminum
Bearings on output shaft
滚动球轴承 Ball bearing
Allowed Motor speed
6,000 rpm
最大允许径向载荷 radial (6 mm from mounting face) ≤500N
最大允许轴向载荷 axial Shaft press fit force, max. ≤120N
 Shaft press fit force, max.
radial ( 5mm from flange )
轴向间隙 axial Operating temperature range ≤0.05 mm
Operating temperature range
-40 至 +150℃

Ratio List
Order No.
Gear Ratio
输出扭矩  (N.m) 级数
连续Continuous 瞬时
1242001 3 1 1.5 1
1242002 3.5
1242003 4
1242004 4.75
1242006 10.5 5 7.5 2
1242007 12.25
1242008 14
1242009 16
1242010 16.625
1242011 19
1242013 22.5625
1242017 36.75 15 20 3
1242018 42.88
1242019 49.00
1242020 56.00
1242021 58.19
1242022 66.50
1242024 78.97
1242026 90.25
1242028 107.17
1242035 150.0625 15 20 4
1242036 171.5
1242037 196
1242038 203.6563
1242039 224
1242040 232.75
1242041 256
1242043 266
1242045 304
1242046 315.875
1242048 361
1242049 375.1016
1242054 509.0664

P45  Planetary Gearbox
壳体材料  Housing material 碳钢  Carbon steel
齿轮材料  Gear train material 钢   all steel
推荐最大输入转速 Recommended max. input speed for:
– 连续运转  continuous operation 3,000 rpm
输入输出旋转方向  Direction of rotation(reversible) =
输出端轴承  Bearings on output shaft 滚动轴承   ball bearing
输出轴负载  Shaft load, max.
最大允许径向载荷 radial (6 mm from mounting face) ≤1000N
最大允许轴向载荷 axial Shaft press fit force, max. ≤500N
最大允许安装力   Shaft press fit force, max. ≤1200N
输出轴间隙  Shaft play
–径向间隙   radial ( 5mm from flange ) ≤0.02 mm
–轴向间隙   axial Operating temperature range ≤0.02 mm
推荐温度范围 Operating temperature range -40 to +125℃


P45   ratio list
订货号     Order No. 速比        
Reduction ratio
输出扭矩  Output torque(N.m) 级数       Stage
连续  Continuous 瞬时 Intermittent
1245001 3.7 1.5 3 1
1245002 5.2
1245003 13.7 5 7.5 2
1245004 19
1245005 27
1245006 51 8 14 3
1245007 71
1245008 100
1245009 138
1245010 187 10 15  
1245011 262
1245012 368
1245013 514
1245014 720
1245015 970 15 22 5
1245016 1900
Gear Motor Technical Data
Rated voltage Gear Ratio 1/3.7 1/5.2 1/13.7 1/19 1/27 1/51 1/71 1/100 1/138
Gearbox Length(mm) 28.2 37 46
24V Rated Torque( 1.1 1.6 3.8 5.4 7.6 13.0 18.1 25.5 35.4
Rated Speed(rpm) 1162 826.9 313.9 234.0 159.3 84.3 60.6 43.0 30.9
Stall Torque( 7.1 10.0 24.7 34.6 48.6 83.6 116.4 163.9 227.9
12V Rated Torque( 0.7 1.0 2.5 3.4 4.8 8.3 11.6 16.3 22.7
Rated Speed(rpm) 697 496.2 188.3 134.4 95.6 50.6 36.3 25.8 18.6
Stall Torque( 4.6 6.4 15.8 22.1 31.1 53.5 74.5 104.9 145.8
Rated voltage Gear Ratio 1/187 1/262 1/368 1/514 1/720 1/970 1/1900
Gearbox Length(mm) 54.8 64
24V Rated Torque( 46.8 65.5 92.0 128.5 180.0 242.5 300.0
Rated Speed(rpm) 23.0 16.4 11.7 8.4 6.0 4.4 2.3
Stall Torque( 300.5 421.1 591.4 826.1 900.0 900.0 900.0
12V Rated Torque( 29.9 41.9 58.9 82.2 115.2 155.2 300.0
Rated Speed(rpm) 13.8 9.8 7.0 5.0 3.6 2.7 1.4
Stall Torque( 192.3 269.5 378.5 528.7 740.6 900.0 900.0
DC Motor Technical Data
Model Rated Voltage No Load At Max Efficiency Stall
Speed Current Speed Current   Torque Output   Torque Current
rpm A rpm A mN.m W mN.m A
ZY4572TR5 24V 5000 0.18 430 1.180 49.02 500 35.0 196.1 200.0 5.3
ZY4572TR5 12V 3000 0.19 2580 1.210 31.37 320 23.0 127.5 1300 6.5

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